simplify the complex

The best way we feel to explain “simplify the complex” is to give you a recent case study.

We have been working with a contractor for the past few months.

Their business is construction. Each project they run requires, at the end of each month, a progress claim which needs to be submitted formatted in a specific way depending on the contract type. There can be running multiple projects during any given period.

Large projects can have a number of phases to manage:

  • an original scope
  • variations (unapproved or approved) with or without a contingency cap
  • provisional items
  • and provisional variations, again unapproved or approved.

Each of these can consist of multiple line items, and each line item can be claimed, at the end of the month, based on the percentage completed.

Over the past 10 years our client had devised ways to generate these progress claims. They had finally brought the time to review and generate a progress claim to just under an hour.

We spent a day going through this process with their staff, listening and seeing how they reviewed and generated a progress claim.  We took this information away and developed a system that would mirror the method, but take out the complexity of the process and risk of human error.

The system we delivered, once the project has been reviewed, now takes just a press of a button.