Software Development

At DevῩze we implement our customers’ ideas, improving performance, profitability and sustainability. We achieve this by developing software to fit their business.

All companies are unique. Why? Because at their core, they are made up of people and not one person is identical to another. Companies have competitors that compete for the same customer, but each company will approach the task from a different perspective. Even a franchise owners will place their stamp of uniqueness on their store. It’s human nature to improve and try out different ideas.

Common tasks such as accounting can be accomplished by a range of tried and tested “off the shelf” software packages. At present Xero is revolutionising the landscape of business accounting. We use Xero and find it fits well with how we wish to manage our accounts.

But when there are aspects of your business that do not fit an “off the shelf” package, then you need to make some hard decisions.

Do we change to accommodate software or create custom software to accomplish uniqueness, a competitive edge?

We have had many discussions over the years on this topic with clients. We would like to have it with you.

Call us to book a Free Consultation. Absolutely no cost to you and no obligation. If the outcome is that you are happy with how your business is growing, then at least we helped you see a clear way forward and our job is done.